INDUSTRY UPDATE: Tradies National Health Month
August is Tradies National Health Month and as part of the awareness activities taking place, the Australian Physiotherapy Association...

Choosing the right heating and cooling solution for your home or office can be a tough decision. Many factors can come into play, such as...

Energy Adviser: Save with a smart thermostat
Thermostats aren’t usually the first topic of conversation as summer approaches. But with heating and cooling taking up the bulk of your...

Greater protection for subcontractors
The Air-conditioning and Mechanical Contractors Association (AMCA) has welcomed the federal government's review into security of payment...

Internet of Things home automation market set to explode in value in Australia
The Internet of Things home automation market is set to soar in Australia with the market set to approach $5bn dollars within the next...

Pros and cons of buying a smart thermostat
SALT LAKE CITY — As the weather warms up, you may be wondering whether a smart thermostat is worth the investment. And with the...

Six months prison for illegal R22 sale
A former company owner in Spain has been sentenced to six months in prison after offering the HCFC refrigerant R22 for sale on the...

Mitsubishi Electric releases new air conditioning series with R32 technology delivering improved ene
New air conditioning series with R32 technology delivers improved energy efficiency Mitsubishi Electric Australia is introducing the new...

Talking point: Industry joins forces to fight Queensland licensing plans
Refrigeration and air conditioning (RAC) industry associations are banding together to fight a proposed mechanical services licence for...

Second edition of ATMOsphere Australia
After a successful first edition in Melbourne, ATMOsphere Australia is heading to Sydney this year in May to continue pushing natural...