License record hit by ARCtick
The record number of issued licences this year by ARCtick was brought about by partnership between ARC and the Government that delivers on Australia’s environmental policy objectives. Refrigerant Handling Licences are required by the current Ozone legislation for anyone handling a refrigerant or component of RAC equipment. Hence the increase in issued licences is likely a reflection of a qualified growing HVAC workforce in Australia. This is a good sign for the industries future but could spell an increase in competition as the HVAC market has seen little over-all revenue growth (*IBIS World Market Research Report) in the past few years.

The ARCTick License schemes success indicates that the HVAC industry is committed to skill development and environmentally beneficial improvements. Australia’s management of environmentally damaging refrigerants has been voted ‘best in the world’ by the USA Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute. Meaning our HVAC industry is following the latest and most effective practices in environment and Ozone harm reduction.
The environmental impacts mitigated so far by the program include 24.37 Mega-tonne of CO2 –e direct emissions reduction. This is roughly equivalent to 5 years of emissions from a coal-fired power plant.The future emissions reductions are projected at 58.02 Mega-tonne of CO2 by 2030.
The number of licences ARCtick issues will continue to grow as new comers to the industry earn this qualification. Population growth means continuing construction and development combined with installation of HVAC services around the country is going to grow and hence the number of people training and gaining a licence.